Your information is being collected by Stratton Finance Pty Ltd (ACN 070 636 903 / Australian Credit Licence no. 364340) or one of its related bodies corporate or franchisees (together we, our, us, Stratton Finance). You can contact us by post (Attn: Compliance Officer, Stratton Finance, PO Box 5012, South Melbourne, VIC, 3205) telephone (03 9685 9759) or email

Credit Reporting

In this statement, "credit-related information" means credit information, credit eligibility information and CRB derived information as those terms are defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

We collect, use, hold and disclose credit-related information about you for the purposes of assessing your creditworthiness (or the creditworthiness of your related company or other entity) in connection with an application for insurance or finance applications that you (or your related company or other entity) wish to make to us or the financiers, insurers and other third parties that we deal with or act on behalf of. If you offer to, or we request that you, guarantee any credit provided to your related company or other entity, we (or the financiers, insurers and other third parties that we act for or on behalf of) may use your credit-related to assess your suitability as a guarantor of that credit. You expressly consent to us (and the financiers, insurers and other third parties that we act for or on behalf of) undertaking a consumer and/or commercial credit check on you in connection with any credit to be provided to you or to your related company or other entity, or any credit which you agree to guarantee. If the application is successful or if you (or your related company or other entity) accept a quote, we may also use your credit-related information to manage the business or other relationship with you (or your related company or other entity) and to arrange payment for the products and services that are supplied.

We may collect your credit-related information from you, the credit reporting bodies that we deal with and other credit providers who have provided credit to you. We may use and hold this credit-related information in order to conduct a credit assessment on you and to decide whether to provide you (or to your related company or other entity) with products and services on credit (i.e. where you pay for these products and services after we supply them to you).

We may disclose your credit-related information to our related companies and to third parties, including to the financiers, insurers and other third parties that we act for or on behalf of, debt collectors, credit management agencies, other credit providers, credit reporting bodies and government bodies and regulatory authorities (where required or authorised by law). We also disclose credit-related information to our related companies and to third parties who provide services to us or who provide services to you on our behalf. We may also disclose your credit-related information to entities located outside of Australia, including to our data hosting provider and to other IT service providers, who are located in the United States of America.

The credit reporting bodies that we may disclose your information to is Veda Advantage Information Services & Solutions Limited (Veda). You may contact Veda by post (PO Box 964, North Sydney, NSW, 2059), telephone (1300 762 207) or by lodging an online enquiry (at

Credit reporting bodies, including Veda, collect credit-related information about individuals from a range of sources to provide credit reports about these individuals to their customers (including us). Where we provide your credit-related information to these credit reporting bodies, they may include this information in reports that they subsequently provide about you to other credit providers in order to assist those entities to assess your credit worthiness. You have a right to obtain a copy of the credit reporting policies of any credit reporting bodies that we disclose your credit-related information to. Veda's credit reporting policy is available at, or you can contact Veda directly using the contact details set out above to obtain a copy in an alternative format.

If you (or to your related company or other entity) do not pay for our products and services in in accordance with our agreement with you, if you (or to your related company or other entity) defraud us or try to do so, or if you (or to your related company or other entity) otherwise commit a serious credit infringement, we may disclose details of these defaults to the credit reporting bodies that we deal with. If we need to take these steps, you are advised that this is likely to affect your ability to obtain a loan or other credit in the future.

You have a right to access the credit-related information that we hold about you, to correct that credit-related information and to make a complaint about our handling of your credit-related information. Our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy provides more information on how you can exercise these rights. This policy may be accessed at in a new window, or you may obtain a copy in an alternative format by contacting us using the details set out at the top of this statement.

You also have a right to:

  • request that credit reporting bodies do not use any credit-related information held by them for the purposes of pre-screening any direct marketing by credit providers (including us); and
  • request that credit reporting bodies do not to disclose your credit-related information in circumstances where you reasonably believe that you have been a victim of fraud or identity theft.

If you would like to make either of these requests, you should contact Veda using the contact details set out above.

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